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Dating Software Mass Mail

The Mass Mail function of the dating script Administration Control Panel is used to send an e-mail to a specific mass group of users relevant to the website and not. This is not spam, because members, for example, are a part of the dating script community and having have joined suscribed to the services of the dating script, Mass Mail being one of them. Mass Mail is great for dating site announcements, news and advertising.

ABK-Soft does not support third-party spamming through the AbleDating dating script, and is not to be held responsible for how dating script Administrators use the Mass-Mail function.

The Mass Mail section has two sub-sections - the Add/Remove and Send sub-sections. By clicking the Mass Mail section in the dating script Admin CP menu one is automatically taken to the Send sub-section.

Add/Remove Sub-Section

This section let you control the list of dating script users who a specific and custom e-mail will be sent to.

The area on the left provides a full list of your currently mass-mail suscribed members. Each user list page contains 20 entries, to jump to the next page click the Next link, found on the right side of the Pages Links, to jump to the previous page click the Prev link, found on the left side of the Pages Links. In the middle you will see a row of numbers (clickable) each representing a page number. (For example, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 37). Each number is clickable, and will take you to the needed page. You can also click the last page number without having to scroll through the whole list of page numbers. To have access to pages 11 to 20 you will have to click the >> link, and to go back to 1-10 links click the << link.

Sorting the list by ID or E-mail can simply be done by clicking the relevant links (ID and E-mail) for ascending and descending order in turn. To find a specific E-mail, you can either use the Search function or browse throught the alphabet. Simply click the relevant letter and get all the e-mails starting with that letter returned as search results based on criteria. Dating script e-mail searching can be conducted and filtered by domain or zone (for example:, .org, .info).

The right area of the dating script Mass-Mail/Add and Remove Sub-Section contains four fields for dating script administrators to add users to the list. This makes it possible to include non-members' and non-affiliates' e-mails in the dating script mass-mail send task.

Adding E-Mails

There are two ways of adding e-mails to the dating script mass-mail database:

Add to Database - this is the first text field in the dating script addition/removal section. Simply type in an e-mail and press the Add button. The e-mail will be instantly added to the list under the Other Users group (more about dating script mass-mail send groups below).

Upload Text File - this function makes it possible to add hundreds of e-mails instantly. The text file must contain e-mail addressed - one address on one line.

For example:

------ dating_script_mass_mail_list_1.txt ------
(... and so on)

Each e-mail address will be added to the dating script mass mail database.

Removing E-Mails

There three to ways of removing e-mails from the dating script user list:

Direct - by clicking the Delete link in the user list on the left next to the corresponding e-mail he/she will be deleted from the list of mass-mail suscribers. Note: This does not mean that they will get deleted from the dating script website.

Delete from Database - by entering an e-mail into this field and clicking the Delete button that specific e-mail, if present in the mass mail dating script database, will be removed. This is extremely effective when some user mails you, the dating script administrator, asking to unsuscribe from future mass-mailings.

Delete by Text File - is used in the same way as the Upload Text File, and common formatting rules apply. The list of e-mails in the text files are corresponded to e-mails in the dating script mass mail user list and deleted if occurances of the e-mail address are found.

Sending Mass-Mail

The Send sub-section of the dating script AdminCP is used to compile the text of the mass e-mail, choose the recipients and send it.

Text Mail - this is the actual body of the message, the text that will be sent to the specified mass-mail groups (more information on groups below). The body of the mass e-mail message may contain anything, as long as it is relevant to your dating script powered website.

Specific - this field lets you provide one additional e-mail address (yours, for example) to be included in the mass-mail sending.

Mass mail Groups

For users - check this box if you want the dating script mass-mail to be sent to your dating site registered members only.
For others - check this box if you want to send the mass-mail to additional e-mails which you had provided in text files, or by manually adding them from the Add/Remove sub-section. This means that e-mails in the list that do not correspond to an account on the website will be receiving the e-mail.
For partners - check this box if you want your affiliates to receive the mass e-mail.

Note: You can specify one e-mail address, and flag any of the dating script mass mail user Groups.

Send - After having compiled the mass e-mail message and chosen the recepients click this button to send the mass e-mail.

Reset - this button will nullify all flags and text-fields, clearing the message body aswell. Once the Reset button has been pressed, there is no way of returning the original message back, so make sure you back up the compiled message, or better yet, compile it in your favorite text editor.

Note: ABK-Soft does not support spamming and advertising of third-party products through the AbleDating dating script, and is not to be held responsible for how dating script Administrators use the Mass-Mail function. It is there to help people, not annoy them!

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