Start Dating Business
It is usually very hard to get started in the tough world of dating communities, social networks and matchmaking websites and ABK-Soft worked hard to develop a dating software solution which makes it easier than ever to get started today.So what did ABK-Soft really do to provide such an easy to use dating software solution, called AbleDating Dating Software? First of all ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software is very easy to purchase. You will get your personal download link and registration information as soon as your payment is processed, be it a bank transfer, a credit card transaction or a money order. ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software is compatible with almost all servers and is very easy to install. After having followed a few easy steps ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software will be ready to work for you. If you are not sure how it is done that ABK-Soft development and support team will install ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software on any server for you free of charge!
Setting up ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software is a matter of minutes. Everything is so easy to understand. Plus ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software supports an unlimited number of additional languages which can be personalized to suit one's needs. The Admin CP contains everything you'll ever need, and one may go beyond the Admin CP simply by editing the PHP dating software code, which is 99% open-source. The design and layout templates may be chosen from the many provided by ABK-Soft, fully editable, too.
The features of ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software are just what is needed to make your future members be active and pay for a Gold Membership status. Eight chat systems, video chat and audio transmission, games, blogging system and much more.
ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software has a powerful Affiliate program management system which lets you instantly get many members from other ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software powered websites in your city, region, country or continent. Money is easily made from the first weeks of running, and there is no need to constantly be an over-looker, ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software is fully automatic, which means that ABK-Soft's script works for you.
Order your chance to prosperity and fortune with ABK-Soft AbleDating Dating Software!