Chameleon 1.3*:
New Game: Straight Pool
This is a new shiny game that will be loved by your members. This is the classic game from the history of pool and most of the greatest players of all time were known to play this game.
In straight pool, the shooter may attempt to pocket any ball on the table. The object is to reach a set number of points determined by agreement before the game. One point is scored for each ball pocketed where no foul is made.
New Game: Chess
It is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide at home, in clubs, online, by correspondence, and in tournaments.
New Game: Scorched Earth
Scorched Earth is a popular artillery video game, which is a subgenre of strategy game. The aim of the game is to destroy the other tank by shooting.
New Widget: My Mail
If a user does not want to miss an important mail, this widget is always on the screen.
New Widget: New Forum Posts
If one likes to see the latests forum posts by his friends, he can see this here.
New Feature: Registration Date Search
Sometimes if a member knows when some other member registered, it is important to be able to search him by this parameter.
Admin CP: Site is under maintenance
Now the admin can put this notice when he is changing or reuploading the site.
Admin CP: Hide site from guests
Now the admin can make all pages of the site closed for the ones who are not logged in.
Admin CP: Change username / password
Now the admin can change all the usernames and passwords directly from the admin cp.
Increased Loading Speed
The loading speed of the site increased considerably by using database optimization and caching. This also means less load on your server.
New Payment Systems
ChronoPay is a leading company in the area of the internet payments by bank cards. CCBill has been a trusted E-Merchant since 1998, processing millions of online transactions each year and earning its reputation as a leader in the industry.
Some bugs corrected
- An issue with PHP 5.3 corrected, now the script is fully compatible.
- An issue of the statistics exactness corrected.
- Several usability issues of the installer corrected.
- An issue of the Events section corrected when you could not post a new event without having chosen your state and city.
- An issue with payments ("Payment to" button) in the admin cp corrected.
- Several security issues in the admin cp corrected.
- An ussue with sending mail through cron corrected.
- An issue with the incorrect link to the profile of the forum's poster corrected.
- The Flash Profile issue with saving the changes corrected.
- The birth date's calculation issue corrected.
- An issue with the search in the ads corrected.
- An issue with blogs corrected (you could comment without being registered).
- An issue with the comments in the photo section corrected.

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